/* Blogger Template Style Name: Elitest Hipster Jerk Designer: Chris Allen Date: 07 Jun 2006 */

11 June, 2006

New Keane Album

Under the Iron Sea 2.5/5

01 - Atlantic[04:14] **
02 - Is It Any Wonder? [03:06] ***
03 - Nothing In My Way [04:00] **
04 - Leaving So Soon?[04:00] **
05 - A Bad Dream [05:07] **
06 - Hamburg Song[04:37] ***
07 - Put It Behind You [03:36] **
08 - The Iron Sea[02:58] **
09 - Crystal Ball[03:54] ****
10 - Try Again [04:28] ***
11 - Broken Toy[06:08] ***
12 - The Frog Prince [04:23] ****

Tom Chaplains voice is right were it should be - front and center. To bad the front man himself is a complete duffus. The composition of this album is nothing to write home about, its a shame - Hopes and Fears was fantastic (and pitchfork PANNED it)

Pitchfork HATES these guys and yet somehow manages to suck Animal Collectives collective dick every-time they put an album out. I guess all you have to do to catch ratings on pitchfork is to choke the shit out of your instruments and sing unintelligibly about conversations with bumble bees.

All in all this album is to saccharin for me - it doesn't have a 'Somewhere Only We Know', or a 'We might as well be strangers' to appeal to the loveless indie side in all of us. The Iron Sea feels pretentious as shit. Saving grace? Crystal Ball is a track, and so it the Frog Prince. I'm not saying steal these tracks... but steal these tracks - an then buy a copy of Hopes an Fears.

And now for something completely different. This stuff is amazing - give it a listen.... Jeff Martin
For those that get past this point, I'll tell you where you can get more. This guys is the greatest secret in musicdom

One more - Russians are Crazy - and we love them


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